Top 6 Tips For Drone Wedding Photography

Categories: Photography

A lot of couples getting married are interested in using drones for wedding photography. This photography style gives them an opportunity to capture those beautiful moments from different and better angles. This is the reason why aerial shots are becoming more and more popular. A drone can help you in reaching new angles and perspectives for taking shots. These angles and perspectives are impossible to reach in any other way.

Top 6 Tips For Drone Wedding Photography

Drones are now easily available and affordable as well. So, a lot of wedding photographers are using drones to take their wedding photography to the next level. Following are some rules and tips that can help a wedding photographer in Toronto in delivering an excellent wedding photography project. However, if you are not good at drone wedding photography, it can be a terrible experience for you and your client. So, in this article, we bring you some golden rules for excellent drone wedding photography. Here is what you should keep in mind:

Check The Rules And Get Permission

You have drones and you are approached by a client. You cannot just start discussing your wedding photography ideas. There are some rules and regulations in place. You have to be aware of these rules and regulations. Learn about areas which are off-limits. Don’t forget about checking the UAV forecast. You will get very important and useful information about the weather. You need this information for flying your drones safely. Don’t do that without getting proper permission.

Find A Proper Venue

This is something couples too should keep in mind. The decision of choosing a wedding photography venue is made by the couple. A couple interested in drone wedding photography should not choose an indoor venue. It is not even possible to fly a drone in there. The countryside, parks, islands and churchyards are ideal venues for wedding photography. So, the photographer and the couple should sit together while choosing a wedding photography venue.

Shoot In Raw Format

If you want more versatility when you are editing photographs, take photos in raw format. You will have uncompromised images. This format allows you to get a stronger resolution photo. It is easy to make color adjustments and exposure if you have higher resolution images. After finishing the editing, you will get natural photographs.

Use Bracketing And Auto Exposure

The latest developed cameras come with advanced features such as bracketing and auto exposure. These features allow you to capture more dynamic photos. The feature of AEB allows you to capture the same photo several times with different settings. So, when you are working on photographs, you have a range of choices. You can get photos with the best exposure levels. You can give a better-finished portfolio to your client. Look at different aspect ratios when you are experimenting with exposure. Most of the digital cameras have 3:2 aspect ratio. Drone cameras stick with 16:9 and 4:3 formats.

Use The Correct ISO

The majority of the best wedding photographers in Toronto pick a lower ISO. Your drone camera has a smaller sensor. It may not be able to handle high ISO settings. To make sure that images are correctly exposed, adjust your camera settings manually and use the lowest ISO you can get. You can increase the aperture and use slower shutter speed to shoot in shady and windy conditions.

Prepare To Improvise

Even when you are well prepared for an ultimate wedding shoot, things sometimes don’t go the way you plan. So, be ready to improvise. You may need to change the mood of the images captured in suddenly changing the weather.