Eight Home Improvements Tips to Keep Pests Away

Categories: Home Improvement Tips

Pests are sneaky. They invite themselves to our houses, set up camp, and begin to multiply. Some might even start spreading diseases and chewing on your electrical cables if you tolerate them long enough. The best way to keep these annoying invaders away is by making home adjustments that prevent them from coming in the first place. Here are a few home improvements you can make to keep pests away from your home.

Home Improvement

Unclog the Gutters and Pipes

Clogged or slow draining gutters are the perfect habitat for pests. The environment inside is dark, concealed, and moist, exactly how they like it. Unclog your home gutters and pipes so that water can drain freely. A free-flowing drain disrupts the pest’s breeding and ensures that no leftover foods build up inside.

Declutter your house

The easiest way to attract pests into your home is by having a cluttered and unhygienic interior. Clutter provides pests like rats and cockroaches with the longed-for shelter to breed and hibernate. And since you rarely will notice them, they will multiply and spread diseases. You can prevent pests from creating a habitat in your home by decluttering. Toss out the cartons and boxes. Give away the newspapers and magazines you don’t read. Organize the essentials in your closets and cabinets while getting rid of the unnecessary.

Seal the Gaps, Cracks and Openings

Pests can enter through cracks and crevices. Yes, they can fit and live in these tiny gaps. Scan your home for any interior or exterior openings. Seal the wall cracks, roof shingles, and any other that you find. You can use a sealant or caulk to fill up those gaps. Cover your pipes and gutters with sheet metal or steel wool. For essential openings like chimneys, you can cover them with a screen or wire mesh.

Trim Your Yard

Strive to keep your yard short and clean. Overgrown grass and hedges are ideal hiding and nesting spots for outdoor pests like raccoons, snakes and squirrels. It might also be the perfect breeding spot for mosquitoes if there is still water. Prune the weeds and rake the dead leaves and branches. Lastly, set up a sloped pathway where the still water can drain.

Fix Your Windows and Doors

Scan your doors and windows for any openings. Household pests like flies and mice can sneak in through them. Repair or replace any damaged screens. Seal your window frames with a moisture-tolerant caulk and replace any windows that don’t close completely. You might feel like it’s a costly investment, but you’ll not only be keeping pests away, you’ll be renovating as well.

Seal Your Trash Cans

Pests invade your home in search of three main essentials, shelter, water and food. Warmth and tranquility are usually an added advantage. The one thing that will draw pests to your home is your trash can. Dispose of your trash as often as you can and ensure your trashcans are well sealed. While at it, avoid leaving any sweet foods exposed in your home. The sweet scent will attract fruit flies and ants.

Organize and Close Your Attic and Garage

Pests can stay uninterrupted in your attic and garage for months. These two places are like a haven for rats, bats and squirrels. For food, they might feed on the food cartons that you store there. You need to clean and organize your artic and garage occasionally. Fix any visible holes and replace your cartons with durable plastic. Keep your attic and garage closed as often as you can.

Change Your Light Bulbs

Insects are drawn to fluorescent and mercury vapor lighting. They love to crowd and fly around bright lights. You can keep these pests away from your bulbs by dimming them or replacing them with sodium vapor halogen lights. By dimming, you will attract fewer insects. You can also change the bulb colors from white to less bright ones like pink and orange.

Closing Remarks

Keeping pests away from your home is cheaper than controlling them once they infest. With these tips, your home will be clean and pest-free. Excel Pest Services has many other useful articles should you want to learn more about pest control.