How to Make a Homemade Ecological Cleaner, Step by Step

Categories: Home Improvement Tips

Cleaning is necessary in any home. Not only is it just a matter of beauty and order, but it goes further and touches health. Maintaining hygiene is essential for coexistence in a house, and for this reason we cannot avoid the need to have a good number of cleaning products. The problem is that many of these products contain chemicals that are too aggressive and, in addition to being polluting to the environment, are also harmful to health in large quantities. That is why more and more people concerned about ecology decide to substitute some of these basic products for a homemade ecological cleaner.

How to Make a Homemade Ecological Cleaner

If we make them with the right ingredients, home-made organic cleaners have an efficacy similar to that of many more specialized cleaning products. And with them we will be collaborating with the environment, since the compounds respect the planet.

Advantages of a homemade ecological cleaner:-

The economy in the home is a key point to take into account. Although there are products that are quite effective in cleaning, this often coincides with the fact that they are expensive, and sometimes, household finances do not allow for such purchases.

Basically most of the ingredients that are required to make an ecological cleaner for the home are found inside our house. In the case that you do not own them, they are quite cheap and easy to acquire in any store. In addition, you will verify that they are ingredients with multiple uses.

Most cleaners are industrialized products, made with complex chemical compounds. Many people are sensitive to these products, suffering from allergic skin reactions, including respiratory tract conditions. Therefore, they are products that must be applied with caution and are usually indicated on the labeling.

With a homemade ecological cleaner, those risks are reduced in their entirety by the fact that the components used for their elaboration are natural.

Most people believe that a homemade ecological cleaner does not have the efficiency we need in the home compared to other manufactured cleaning products. However, there are different natural products with great disinfectant power.

Make a homemade ecological cleaner is a task for nothing complicated. You only have to mix the ingredients in a container and let them rest for a few minutes. In fact, it is a product that we can always have on hand at home.

Ingredients for a homemade ecological cleaner

It is the star product responsible for the elimination of bacteria and fungi, since it contains a great acidity, capable of disinfecting even at a domestic level. In addition, it is the best ally against dirt, odors and dirt. Although its smell is penetrating, it tends to be diluted after its application as a cleaner.

Not only do they have the function of disguising the smell of vinegar, but also these oils, like eucalyptus, act against microbes, generating a wonderful combination of freshness and hygiene.

Due to their neutral PH properties, fungi in particular cannot reproduce and end up being eliminated in their entirety. In addition, sodium bicarbonate complements the work of vinegar.

It will require containers to make the mixture, as well as a container with spray.

How to prepare a homemade cleaner?

Step 1:

The first ingredient to use is vinegar: less than one cup will serve. They are approximately 150 ml that you will pour into the container for the preparation, or simply directly into the sprayer.

Step 2:

Then place two to three tablespoons of baking soda in the container with the vinegar. At this point we recommend shaking for a few seconds. Then apply essential oils and herbs, with 30 or 40 coarse drops. However, you can add other extracts in order to improve the smell.

Step 3:

After combining all these natural components, return to close the container and proceed to stir for several minutes the mixture obtained so that the ingredients are unified. Let it sit for an hour and that’s it, you have prepared an efficient homemade ecological cleaner.