Tips to Offer Improved e-Commerce Payment Gateways

Categories: Business, Web Design Tips

The use of digital money is clearly on the rise. While its unprecedented growth facilitates the scope of digital money (with retailers, credit card companies, banks and consumers – all coming into the equation), it poses a few challenges for e-Commerce merchants as well.  To be simply put – digital money is bigger than ever and more complex too! Creating a secure and sustainable payment structure in the digital landscape isn’t really cake walk. It has been reported that chargebacks are not the only reason behind the high rate of shopping cart abandonment today. A complex checkout process, high shipping charges, the absence of card security indicators and limited availability of payment options are just a few important factors that have led to frequent cases of shopping cart abandonment (as high as 65.23% as has been reported). The e-commerce companies in Bangalore – in the wake of such dismal reports need to aim for a more streamlined in-store experience – acknowledging the fact that the digital space has the capacity to accommodate more payment options in the near future.

Improved e-Commerce Payment Gateways

Documented below are a few tips with the help of which e-commerce companies can achieve their desired objectives as far as payment facilities are concerned. Read on to unravel.

Start off by being Simple

The key is to simplify the flow of users. It all starts with a user-friendly platform. As per a study, a site ended up experiencing a staggering 18.5% improvement in its conversion rate simply by bolstering its user-friendliness. There- of course- are several ways with the help of which you can do that:

e-Commerce Payment Gateways

Free Shipping and Free Returns

If we are talking about the most successful e-Commerce marketing tools out there, then it’s free-shipping, which emerges right at the forefront. Quite strangely, customers are rather ready to pay a bit more on the products but not for shipping. Invespcro reported that recently a whopping 44% of the customers ended up abandoning their cart quite simply because of the fact that they felt that the shipping costs were too high. Documented below are other tips.

Steer clear of registrations: For your Users it’s an Ordeal!

This remains one of the major factors affecting your conversion rate. That’s what the most credentialed website designers in Bangalore will tell you! Don’t expect to make a loyal customer out of every visitor out there. Make sure you have a simple but efficient checkout process in place. Don’t think that the membership rates for your website will plummet in that case. You can still have all your sales and account registrations that you need. Just ensure that all the details that the user requires for the registration are collected during the particular transaction. So, while they are checking out simply offer them an option to add a password and create an account. The key is to realize that you can still have your membership rate intact without really having to force your users through a laborious registration process.

Provide Customer Information at Crucial Stages!

Another potent way of simplifying the checkout process is to display customer information while they are in the process of checking out. If you are a huge e-Commerce brand with thousands of products in the offing, there is every chance of your customers getting lost while buying from you. The answer to their woes should be a highly functional progress bar. The purpose of this bar is to guide your customers during the checkout process indicating the exact stage they are at. In fact, experts opine that you can actually go on to shore up their in-store experience by intimating them about the approximate time required to complete shopping. This is possible if you are actually integrating a timer.

So, the need of the hour is to understand that the creation of a highly functional gateway is more about the systematic inclusion of diverse payment facilities instead of a relying on a highly confusing mesh of the same.  The tips offered above, will help e-Commerce companies embrace a more systematic outlook towards the expectations from their payment facilities.