When a person visits a doctor, the duty of the doctor is to diagnose the disease and give the patient a suitable method of cure. There are a lot of methods that the doctors use to come up with a proper diagnosis. Taking an MRI scan is used to find out the problem in one’s body using the pictures of anatomy formed during the scanning process. MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a technique which is used in radiology and is proved to be safer in comparison to other methods of scanning as it does not use any kind of ionic radiation. These days, MRI scans are taken in many scanning labs.

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Differences between CT scan and MRI:
The doctor who the patient takes advice from usually specifies the type of scan the person has to take. It is important to follow their instructions properly. The basic difference between CT scan and MRI is that the CT scan uses X-rays to form the picture of the inside while MRI uses a magnetic field and radio frequency for the same. MRI is more detailed and can clearly picture internal organs. CT scan is much quicker and less noisy in comparison to the MRI. In the case of MRI, they may even ask the patient to wear headphones. The MRI is more expensive than a CT scan. MRI is a long and loud process but the patient can get better results.
The uses of MRI scan:
As we know, this is used to examine the inside of the body and study anatomy. There are a lot of things that can be identified using an MRI scan. This can be used to get the image of the spinal cord properly to identify the problems. There are many serious diseases that can be found using the MRI. It can help deduct breast cancer and also a few heart problems. It can screen the liver and also the knee and back. The reasons for Pelvic pain can also be determined using this. There are many things this can do but it is important to check the details before getting into the scan lab.
The preparation:
It is better to get to the lab at least half an hour before the patient’s scan time. This is taken using a magnetic field and hence you may be asked to remove your valuables and put it in the locker provided. In some places, it is possible that they ask you to wear a gown that looks like a hospital gown. The MRI scan in Bangalore has very well experienced radiologists and technologists. It is important to have a radiologist if the doctor recommends the same.
It is very important to tell the person taking the scan if the patient is pregnant. They may have to set the details properly. In case of any problem, it is better to tell them. Even skin tattoos and claustrophobia is very important. In case you have metallic or prosthetic implants, please do tell them beforehand. They might have to make slight alterations to make sure there are no problems.
Choosing the best scan center:
Usually, when a doctor suggests a scan, he recommends a scan centre. Most doctors are connected to such centres. It is not necessary to go to that particular place. The patient can go to a place that he or she is comfortable in. It is important to check the details like the appointment available, locker safety, customer reviews, speed, availability of technicians and things like that. Choose the best place to make sure the patient is comfortable and gets the best result. It is also important to compare the prices of different places to choose the best place. Read through the website and the browser if there it.
How does it work?
Usually, to scan a body part by MRI, it can take nearly 45 minutes. During this time, it is very important for the patient to stay still. The part to be scanned is placed in the middle of the magnet. The bed is movable and hence it can be adjusted and brought to the required position. When the actual imaging starts, there is a banging noise. It is very noisy and hence in some MRI in Bangalore, they provide the patients with the headphones to reduce this sound. Some people may get sick or afraid during an MRI. To make those people comfortable, they are provided with an alarm. This is small with a button. When the patient presses this button, there is an alarm that rings and the technician will be able to help the patient and solve the problem. The patient is usually made to close their eyes. In some cases, you may need to take an injection. If an injection is required, the details will be put on the prescription. There is no need to fear or panic. This is a very smooth and successful way to help the doctor find the problem.
It is important for the patient to inform the technician very clearly about the problem he or she has. BP or anything related has to be informed way before. In the case of claustrophobia, there may be a need to take anesthesia. People need to check for all the details of the place before getting into the room with the machine. For some people, there may be itching and other problems. If such problems persist or arise, contact the technician immediately to be safe. If a little kid needs an MRI, it is more important to prepare them properly to make them feel comfortable and also get the perfect result. Just make sure the preparations are done properly and the test is made without any problems. Most labs give their patient a separate time to collect the results. The normal picture doesn’t mean everything is normal, it is important to take it to the doctor and check it properly so that in case of minor problems, it can be treated before it becomes major.