When your days are full and busy, it can be hard to get some time to yourself. Finding time for yourself, for your studies, and even for your friends can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and possibly even worried too. To manage your time more effectively, you need to get into a new routine. You need to start working out what routine is right for you and your life. If you do not get into a routine that works for you, then you will struggle to get the most out of every day and every week.

Table of Contents
What Is Essential and What Can Wait?
To begin with, you need to think about what is essential. For example, what needs to be done today or tomorrow, and what can wait until next week or even the weekend? When you learn to prioritize and put first your to-do list, you can make sure that you fit everything in. Taking time out at the start of the day and at the start of a new week to work through your list will help you get a better balance. If you do not give yourself this time to evaluate what has to be done, then you will struggle to get everything completed, and ultimately this could lead to you feeling low or down.
Fitting Everything in Around School
When it comes to fitting everything in, you have to think about the hours that you have left after school and those important extracurricular activities. For example, if you are at school from 9-3, you need to think about what you can get done before you go to school, and also what you can get done after school. Of course, you need time to relax, sleep, eat, and drink, but realistically, how much time do you need to get everything done? Once you have taken at least 8 hours out for sleep and at least 2 out for eating and drinking (throughout the day), then what are you left with? If you do not look at your time in this way, then you may struggle to cram everything in, and you may end up feeling stressed and possibly even overwhelmed.
Have a Weekly Planner or Schedule You Can Use
Trying to memorize all of your commitments is no good. You need to have a diary or schedule that you can easily and quickly look at. When you have your day or even your week planned out and there in front of you, then you can make sure that you are using your time as efficiently and as carefully as possible. If you do not make use of a planner or scheduler, then how will you know when your scheduled activities are? How will you know when your after-school clubs are running, and how will you know when you have time to socialize and hang out with your friends? Having a physical diary, together with a schedule (that hangs on your wall), will make sure that you never miss out on a commitment.
Balancing Your Social Time
Just because you are super busy with school and with your other commitments, it does not mean that you should not have time for yourself or time for your friends. Having social time is important for you, your health, and your wellbeing. If you do not have any time for catching up with your friends, or if you do not have any downtime, then you may begin to feel a bit down. Looking after yourself and getting some social time into your busy routine and schedule is just as important as anything else. To fit in your social time, you need to plan at least a week. When you plan out your week, you then make sure you always have time for the friends and the family that you care about.
Fitting in Hobbies and Sport
Even though you are busy all of the time, you still need to make sure that you find time to fit in some of your hobbies and some sport or exercise. If you are always busy studying, it can feel impossible trying to fit in anything else, but with a little effort, you can make it work. If you do not find time to pursue your hobbies and your interests, then you will not enjoy them as much. You need to practice basketball if that is your thing, or you need to find time to practice the piano. Your hobbies are going to help you develop and grow as you get older, and they must be made a high priority.
Having Me Time
You are giving a lot of your time and your energy to others; however, it is still important that you find time for yourself. If you do not have any time, then you will feel stressed. In addition to your time spent sleeping, relaxing, and eating, you also need to take some time to listen to music, do a craft project, or do an art project. When you give yourself some all-important me time, you can ensure that you do not end up feeling too stressed, worried, or under pressure. If you do not have any time for yourself, and if you are always rushing around, you may struggle to get a balance, and this may then affect you in other ways.
Friendship Is Important
You need your friends, and your friends need you. Studying and trying to do your best all the time can mean that you need your friends now more than ever. Even though you are busy with your commitments, you need to make sure that you always have time for your friends. A simple phone call or message could be enough to get you or them through something. You need time to build and grow friendships, so make sure that you spare a bit of time at least once a week.
Peer Support
Whether you are studying a new topic or subject or you are getting ready for exams, you need support from your peers. You need to know that they are there when you need them. When you have support from your peers, you can overcome much more, and you can tackle everything that gets put in your way. At your school or in your community, try and reach out to peer support groups. The support, advice, and guidance that you get from them can help you get through rough patches at school.
Parent and Adult Support
Your parents and other adults in your life are there to help you and support you as much as they possibly can. Reaching out to grown-ups and getting their advice on something will help you. When you can share the problems you are having, or you can talk about everything you are feeling or experiencing, then you will share what you are going through, and you will reduce your levels of stress and pressure.
Have a Role Model
It is always good and positive to have somebody to look up to. Having a role model in your life, such as a parent who works in Executive Leadership or a sibling studying at college, will help you get through even the busiest of days. When you have a role model to look to, you make sure that you stay on track with your studies and with your extracurricular activities. A role model can provide guidance and even advice in those times when you might need it the most.
Managing Pressure and Stress
Stress and pressure are two things that you face at any time when you are at school, and as you get older, you will have to deal with even more stress and pressure. You also have your exams around the corner. Handling stress and pressure is important. If you do not handle the situation as well as you can, then it can bubble over and create bigger problems. Getting enough sleep, focusing on what is important, and eating a healthy and balanced diet are all important things you need to focus on to make sure you get through stressful times.
Review Your Schedule
Your schedule or your routine might change from one week to the next, and this may be because of extra classes or even increased amounts of homework. Looking at your schedule at least once every week and seeing where you can make changes, and little tweaks will make sure that it is as easy to use and easy to follow as possible.
Don’t Forget Your Chores
Even though you are now busier than ever, you still have to remember to do your chores. Fitting in daily or weekly chores can seem difficult at first, but once you have got into a better routine, you will find that you will be doing chores without even noticing that you are doing them. Doing chores may feel boring and a bit of a hassle at times, but knowing that you are helping out your family will leave you feeling good.
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