It has been a long long time since carpet has become a new fashion trend. Weaving business tremendously growing and growing since many centuries ago. It was the time when people used their hand to weave the carpets and kings and queen used. From that time, carpet has been used not only to decorate their castles but also it has been used as fans. It was the time when inventions were not at the peak but the carpet was there to save the day.

With the passage of time, as things have been transformed to the world of carpet has also been transformed. Now that machines are here to reduce the manpower and machines has become the source of weave the carpet. Not only manpower reduced but also the glance of caret has also bee changed. Back then carpet used as flooring the whole room but now as the shorter version of carpet has been introduced named as Rugs.
Rugs are used to cover the small area of the room, or I should say the small area of the floor. If you want to place a table you place it on a rug. If you want to place a vase on the floor you can place it over a rug. Instead of giving a raw color, you can use the rug to make it more classy and subtle. The use of carpet and rug nowadays specially is mainly for decoration as it has become a fashion statement than a need. Back then carpet has been used as need. If some floor is not fine then people use the cart to hide it. There was also a time when flats were fully covered with carpet except for kitchen and washroom. Lounge, living room and bedrooms all were covered with carpets.
If we the see availability of rugs ten we have the number of colors, number of designs with lots of styles. That sometimes it becomes confusing for the buyer that which one to buy. When we have so many good options in front of us, that we think of any more ideas to use it to decorate our house. Not only floors but walls too, today instead of beautifying floor, rags have been used to decorate walls too and instead of paintings, people are using rugs to decorate their walls.
If we see the type of rugs then the very first one we have is wool rugs, as the name suggest the soft feeling of rug that soothes not only your feet but your mind too. The warmth it creates actually bring smoothness and calmness in our room, the traditional and ancient design with some graphics of art, wool rugs gives us many options. Normally, wool is considered to be stain resist toant the oil we are using now, that is synthetic with coloring agent in it actually creates the problem for rugs. Another type of rug in natural fiber rugs, as again name suggest the organic look it gives with a neutral amount of texture in it actually give fine look of rug. The classy and subtle look it creates in a room help us to give a new dimension to the room. The use of the natural plant with organic fiber actually give us a neat and natural look. Another one is handcrafted rugs, where manpower is required as to give a delicate look with some elegance and the contemporary element that also include natural texture in it is a fine combination to produce an amazing rug. Such type of rugs help us or interior designer to maintain the sophistication in a room. Another type of rug that we have is cotton rugs or in other words easy to care rug which in terms of money is also affordable and not that expensive that only rich can buy it. Whether you need to change a look of your room, of to decorate entrance, hallway, cotton rugs with many designs and patterns and in so many colors is there to help. Next we have synthetic rugs, which is machine made with synthetic fiber but the look it give is of manmade and also give a natural look. Though synthetic fiber has been used in this type of rugs but as it is synthetic so it is stain resistant too so it will be a lasting rug. Synthetic rugs has all theelementst in it that could make it long lasting. Even a place with a crowd such type of rug always work. They are not so expensive kind of rug that with every year you can change it as it has many colors and designs in it, the indoor and outdoor collection of rugs also is in demand because of the fiber it has used and because of long lasting effect in it.
Rug pads is also in the now kind of thing. At first there was a whole big carpet, then small piece of carpet turned in to rugs these small pieces of rugs used as paintings and now we have Rug pads. If you have a side table, dressing table, or any small table then this type of rug is your best option to decorate it. Another most are type of rug is the Oriental rug. The handmade rug with a touch of ancient color and effect in it, the patterns of life in the rug, the rich design of rug and a fine touch of color in it. This all is the specifications of an Oriental rug. If you are a history lover then an Oriental rug is your kind of thing.
That is why rug gives a new vision to life and to life style. Now a day’s people are using rugs instead of carpets. Decorating a whole room with a carpet is old and decorating small part of room with rug is a next level thing. It is becoming a source of business for many people who like to invest and who is in love with color, design and look.