Evaporative coolers and Eco coolers become popular because they are environmental-friendly and economical. Below we spend some time explaining theirs features and cooling methods:
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What is Evaporative Cooler
Evaporative coolers are also referred to as desert cooler, air cooler or swamp cooler. Air coolers are among the earliest forms of weather and climate control still in use today. Remember that breezing feeling you have on your skin after coming out of a swimming pool? That is the simple idea of air coolers.

How Air Coolers work
It refers to a fairly common natural phenomenon that regularly occurs in our environment, Known as evaporative cooling. That cooling effect is similarly to your feeling after coming out of the swimming pool. As dry air blows through the water on your skin, it absorbs some of the water. When water turns into the gas, heat drop the higher air temperature to lower water temperatures. Natural air circulation will cool the skin around it.
Nowaday modern evaporative cooler operates using the same principle. Air cooler fan draws outside air to pass through cooling pads. As the water in the pads evaporates, It can filters any impurities in the air and drops down the temperature, The resultant cooler air is then directed into the target area to circulate and cool it. To make cooling pads wet by water pump. It pumps the water up to the top of the cooling pads and then trickles down. The evaporative in work and the humidity air is raised. So, we will feel cool and comfortable. on the other hand, the air cooler no recommend to high humidity area.
What is Eco Cooler
Summer is around the corner, people will start complaining about the excessive heat very soon. To fight with summer heat, Eco cooler has created by one social venture in Bangladesh. This simple air cooler is using affordable, used plastic bottles. This system is unique in that it doesn’t need any cooling mechanism (fan or other Electric units).
The Eco cooler was developed by Ashis Paul from Bangladesh. The southeast Asian nation’s scorching heat was the main points for his DIY cooling system. In addition to this, Inspired him was the fact that electric air-cooling units wouldn’t be applicable in most Bangladeshi homes. As we know in the mostly rural and poor country, electricity is sparsely distributed and mostly unreliable.
The ECO-cooling is created by Ashis Paul. He uses a common waste materials in Bangladesh- empty plastic bottles. The Eco cooler is the first zero-electricity swamp cooler at present. The inventor is tried best to help as many people as to use his eco cooling solution. Good to know Grey Group also jointed. Being an international advertising company and they posted the cooler’s plans online for free. Anyone can log into the internet and design theirs own Eco cooler. Meanwhile, It is good to heart that the Grameen Intel Social Business volunteers also to support. They help for building and installation of Eco cooler units. They took part in teaching locals how to build their own and pass the knowledge on to other beneficiaries.
How Eco cooler works
When hot air rushes into each plastic bottle, Air is pushed to the rim where it begins expanding. This expansion leads to the cooling of the air as it enters the target area. This cooling results from pressure change. When air enters to plastic bottle’s wider part, then, it comes out from bottleneck with higher pressure. The resulted cooler air get into the room and make the temperature will drop down.
Sounds crazy, right? The principle is quite simple idea. When your mouth is wide open and blow some air onto your hand. Do you feel hot? What if you do the same with pursed lips? Do you feel cool? That is the way for Eco cooler work!
The thermodynamics principle we called the Joule-Thomson effect, and the process is known as throttling. This principle is appropriate for refrigerators, Liquefiers, heat pumps and air conditioners work.