If you are the gardener that has habit of checking the ground for signs of flower since the start of February, then it is not to blame you spring fever affects almost every gardener than normal people and everyone wishes to get more and early flowers in your garden. This article is all about the tips, so you can get more bloom in your garden than you have ever before.

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Tip one –pair bulbs and hardy annuals
Your digging arm must not run out of the steam when you start planting that first bag of tulips if it does your flower garden will not turn out as lush as you want it to be, if you want results like a gardening magazine and public garden displays than start interpolating your large bulbs like tulips and daffodils with cold hardy annuals. You need to carefully dig them, and they should be planted 4-8 inches deep in soil, plant them as soon as you bought them as they will start growing immediately. If you want planting partners, then these are best choices for you. I personally recommend you to go for roses that last a year.
- Daffodils and scented stock
- Hyacinths and pansies
- Tulips and primroses
- Dutch iris and sweet alyssum
Tip two –always include flowering shrubs:–
When you start the process of creating your perfect garden always start with trees than shrubs and then plant flowers, shrubs are best for giving a proper texture and dimension to any garden, it will provide shady and sunny situations for your flowers. If you don’t want a plain green shrub in your garden, choose one which displays berries after its flowers fall like viburnum. Azaleas represents the arrival of spring and forsythia does same in mild climates, for cold weather choose Madonna and for summer go for Marginata.
Tip three – grow spring containers
Try to include spring containers in your garden if you want a perfect bloom, hang small baskets into the garage and shed when temperature fall at night, container plants thrive in cool spring temperatures like petunias, annual lobelia and snapdragons. But in early springs flowers like nasturtium and viola can tolerate early spring frosts.
Tip four – crocus lawn:-
Bulbs on the lawn looks so satisfying and they don’t require any special skills most important tip is to delay mowing until the bulb foliage matures. You must choose bulbs which matures early and trim the grass that grows regularly, crocus bulbs are commonly grown in the lawns and they need to be planted three inches in the ground.
Tip five – early bloomers:-
You have to choose early bloomers because no one can predict the climate especially colder climates are a great worry for the gardener’s plant, early bloomers so you are ready to welcome holiday decoration on time. These flowers must be plants in dozens and they are cheap and more affordable. Snowdrop white bell-shaped flowers are best option, and glory of snow has many vibrant colors like blue, white and pink. All these will satisfy your flower cravings.