It is really important to determine the right type of Vacuum cleaner to perform the kind of cleaning you want to. Vacuum cleaners are specifically made with the purpose of performing even those cleaning activities which otherwise are not possible. It is important to evaluate the density of debris present and how much cleanliness is required to perform the usual activities. This evaluation will help to choose the best vacuum cleaner required to perform the cleaning activity.
Some of the Best Vacuum Cleaners
For all those who don’t know much about the type of vacuum cleaners available for this cleaning purpose, here is all the information you need to have about them:
- Upright Vacuums: Upright Vacuums are most commonly used as they offer better cleanliness and its easy to handle feature allows it to go beyond the areas which are generally out of the reach. Also its easy built make it easy to store. The only problem with the upright vacuums is that pushing and pulling feature at times make it strenuous to work with.
- Canister Vacuums: These type of vacuums are better than that of upright vacuums. It is the best type of vacuum cleaner for cleaning stairs, and at the area under furniture or tables. And the best part about these vacuum cleaners is that they are quieter as compared to the most of other vacuum cleaners available. They may be bulkier and heavier but still, we recommend to opt for the same.
- Stick Vacuums: These are somewhat like upright Vacuums but taller than that. Most of them are powered by a battery. The lightweight of these vacuums make them easy to handle and they work quickly as compared to other ones.
- Handheld Vacuums: These are miniature vacuums which come in both the forms with cord or cordless. They are easy to handle and can easily be carried along. However, they can help to clean smaller places but are not apt to clean larger areas as they have the lesser capacity.
- Robotic Vacuums: As the name suggests, it leaves you at ease. You can switch on the manual or robotic mode as per your convenience. These can also be controlled by apps, all you need to sync the same with your phones. However, these are not suggested if you are looking for deep cleaning.
- Central Vacuums: These are somewhat like canister vacuums, but are easier to handle. There is a no vacuum body that you need to pull along, all you need to carry is hose reel and powerhead. Also, it works quietly and does not create much of the ruckus and noise while working. They can perform a deep cleaning of every nick and corner of the house but they are little pricey and needs to be installed by professionals only. Also, hose reel can prove to be cumbersome at times.
Now that you know everything about the type of vacuum cleaners available, choose the best for right kind of cleaning.