Moving can be a complicated and convoluted process, and, possibly worst of all, it can take an incredibly long time to get the ball rolling when you’re moving. This means that once you’re in the process of moving, you really don’t want to hit any speedbumps, which is why you should take your time and work out all the kinks in your moving plan ahead of time. That way, once the process is finally in motion, it should be smooth sailing to your new home. This article aims to help you plan your move by outlining a few useful questions you should be asking yourself when planning your move.

Table of Contents
1. When Are You Moving?
Your timeline is important when it comes to moving, which means that you need to know exactly when you want to move before you can start planning too much. By sorting out your timeframe, you allow the rest of your moving process to have set dates put in as well and even make it possible to book certain services that you know you’re going to need well ahead of time.
2. Where Are You Moving?
This is probably the single most important piece of information you could have when planning your move because without it, you can’t really plan… anything. Knowing your move location lets you know how far you’re moving; how important it is for you to move everything in one trip; and overall, lets you prepare yourself both physically and emotionally for moving day.
3. What Are Your Bringing with You?
Knowing what you’re moving on moving day is incredibly useful. If you’re planning on a more gradual move into your new house, then it’s useful to know what you need to take right away and what can wait in storage for a little while. Likewise, it’s useful to know if you want to move furniture because then you can hire a moving service (or at the very least a van) and actually get your furniture where it needs to go.
4. What Do You Need to Sort Out?
Once you know these basics, you can move on to the more technical questions. With your moving date and location in hand, you can start to book dates and let people know about your move. You can cancel or divert mail, and you can let your children’s schools know (if you have kids) that they are moving.
5. What Can You Handle Yourself?
It’s important that you are honest and realistic with yourself about what exactly you are going to be able to handle on moving day. If you’re planning on making a long moving trip with three kids and a dog, then you probably aren’t going to be able to unpack everything yourself when you get there and also entertain your family. By knowing the limits of what you can do, you can take steps to have the extra details handled.
6. What Do You Need Someone Else to Handle?
You can find help easily enough online. Simply searching “estate agents broxbourne” is enough to find someone willing and able to help you find a house to buy, and there is a variety of moving companies that will help you get your belonging to your new home. These services exist to help you move, so use them when you need to.